Diolen is a polyester based fibre, along similar lines to Kevlar which although not as strong in tensile strength as Kevlar, is reasonably close in performance (especially with regards to impact strength and abrasion resistance) and considerably cheaper.
Diolen's excellent elongation to break properties, excellent abrasion resistance and low price make it a very popular choice for kayaks, canoes, jet-skis, lifeboats and many other water going craft where impact and abrasion resistance are important but where material cost is also a consideration.
How to Buy
This 265g Diolen roll is 960mm (38") wide and the fabric is sold by the linear metre. The unit price shown is for 1 linear metre, volume discounts automatically apply for larger quantities of fabric.
Please purchase the number of linear metres you require. When purchasing multiple metres the fabric will be supplied in one continuous length on a roll.
Further Information
Using Diolen
When used in boat construction Diolen is typically combined with glass fibre (either chopped strand mat or woven glass rovings) to add considerably impact strength to an otherwise brittle and vulnerable all glass fibre construction. In this construction, tensile strength, providing stiffness, comes from the glass fibre with the high elongation to break coming from the Diolen. A hull using a combination of glass and Diolen will be far less likely to suffer major damage following a serious rock/vessel impact than an all glass reinforced boat.
Like glass, Kevlar or carbon fibre, Diolen can be used with most resin systems including polyester, vinylester and epoxy although to get the best performance from the fibre epoxy resin would always be the first choice.
Diolen will wet-out and is laminated in a very similar way to Kevlar and is totally compatible with any laminating process including wet-lay, vacuum bagging, resin infusion and RTM.
Trimming Parts Made From Diolen
Diolen's very high elongation to break properties and abrasion resistance mean that it is very difficult (and frustrating!) to trim parts made from this material. Traditional cutting tools will tend to leave a 'furry' edge which subsequently can be removed using a fine grit abrasive sanding pad.
After initial trimming (using something like a Perma-Grit wheel in a Dremel) the loose Diolen fibres can often be cut away using a very sharp Stanley knife.